Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Basic Metabolic Rate

So I did some poking around yesterday and found a calculator online to get my BMR.  BMR is how many calories you would spend doing nothing all day long.  Literally nothing, like sleeping for 24 hours.  It fluctuates with age and weight.  Currently mine is 1716.  So if I did nothing and ate 1716 calories a day I would not gain or lose weight.  There is a multiplier depending on your activity level.  I'm mostly sedentary except the days I am able to go to the gym.  The sedentary multiplier is 1.2, which brings my daily caloric needs to 2059.  My goal weight BMR is 1506, which then is 1808 with the multiplier.  So I figure if I limit myself to 1800 calories and continue to workout I should safely reach my goal weight.  When, I have no idea . . .  I'm sure I could come up with some equation to figure it out, but my BMR will change as I lose weight which means my weight loss will slow.  I'm supposed to be matron of honor in a wedding in April.  I don't want to be the 'fat' bridesmaid! lol

Oh the website I found the calculator at is HERE.  They also have BMI, waist to hip ratio and body fat calculators.

I did make myself a chart.  Showing the BMR, BMR with the sedentary multiplier, and their corresponding weights in 5lb increments.  I put it in my food journal so I can check on a weekly (who am I kidding, DAILY) basis what my BMR is.  Yes, I tend to obsess.  It's always been my downfall.  I know what my goal is, what my calorie intake should be to reach that goal.  Why do I feel the need to check and recheck my progress daily?

Oh well.  Time to get off my sedentary butt and get this house clean!! :)

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